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Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction

Alien Inside Me

Season 1 Episode 2

Aired on Discovery June, 26, 2024



Mitch Horowitz, Chrissy Newton, Rachel E Hoffman, Announcer

Rachel Hoffman discusses her alien abduction with Mitch Horowitz

Rachel Hoffman, a mother who believes she has been abducted by aliens seven times since 1984, has a chilling story to tell. At just 4 years old, Rachel remembers a night when she was lying in bed, only to feel herself floating above it, defying gravity.


She felt the eerie presence of someone nearby but couldn't explain it. With UFO sightings and alien encounters throughout her life, Rachel has gathered physical evidence and data, which she has sent to UFO experts Mitch Horowitz and Chrissy Newton for a deep dive into the case.


Will these specialists be able to solve the mystery of her alien abduction experiences and reveal the truth behind her unexplained phenomenon?


Tune in for an intense UFO investigation in Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction on Discovery Channel.

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Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction | Alien Inside Me
Segment Transcript
Season 1 Episode 2

Aired on Discovery June, 26, 2024

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Chrissy Newton  02:51

Roswell l is such an interesting place. I love it because they embrace the UFO culture. They know it. They live by it. They're just living the counterculture.


Mitch Horowitz  03:00

The thing I love about this bar and all local watering holes feel people are here, yeah,


Chrissy Newton  03:07

and this is the only bar in Roswell. This is where you come chat to exchange UFO stories, connect. This is the local watering pool, like, hands down, yeah.

Mitch Horowitz  03:21

Oh, hey, how you doing?


Chrissy Newton  03:22

Nice to meet you.


Mitch Horowitz  03:23

Have a seat please. Thanks for joining us.


Rachel E Hoffman  03:25

Thank you for having me. I'm very excited to meet you both.


Mitch Horowitz  03:29

What we wanted to ask, first and foremost, in your own words, you briefly tell us what your experience has been and when and where it occurred.

Rachel E Hoffman  03:40

My name is Rachel Hoffman, and I think I was abducted by aliens seven times since 1984 I'm the mother of four children, and I live in Hudson Valley. I was four years old the first time that I was abducted.


I'm one of four children at the time, and we were all sleeping in the same bed together, and I was on the edge of the bed when I felt something lifting me up. I felt gravity, with my hair falling backwards and my nightgown falling backwards as I was taken out of a window and brought up into the vessel, the ship, it was so cold. I was freezing. Every hair on my body was standing up.


I don't think I was supposed to see what I saw. The room had tables, and the tables had hands and feet, arms and legs that didn't have bodies attached to them. Next to that, there were embryos. I also saw a fetus in a jar. I was four years old, and the fetus was as big as me. It looked like an experiment gone wrong. When they had me on the table, they were doing ultrasounds on my abdomen. They were hooking and prodding. They were taking bits and pieces of me. They were robbing my body parts, and they were taking my eggs. I remember thinking to myself, I just want my dad. I just want my dad.


And then I woke up when I was six years old, I saw an arm above me of a robot with a needle in it, and the needle came down and began to extract fluid from the center of my nose. When the needle went in, it felt like it went straight through my bone into my brain each time this was done to me, I didn't even blink and I never closed my eyes as the needle went back up into the ceiling of the ship.


I was picked up by the alien that brought me back and forth. I used to call him the butler. The butler looked like an octopus out of water. They have hands with suction cups. That's what holds them to the ship. The last time that I was abducted, I was 13 years old, and I said, Who are you and what do you want from me? It was the loudest voice I've ever heard, and it said, I'm God. And that was the last interaction I had.


I was 31 in 2011 when I woke up and felt a lump behind my ear. I thought it was cancer, and so I went to the medical center, and I spoke to a lab technician. After looking at it, she expressed to me that they were going to need to have it excised that they weren't able to perform that there, she said that it would be in the realm of around 30 days.


When I got home, I started panicking. My heart was beating out of my chest. I had to get whatever this was out of my body. And so I took a safety pin, and I pulled as hard as I could out of my ear. I didn't know what it was. I brought it back to the laboratory. They didn't know what it was. It wasn't taken away from me for further testing. So I kept it.


It is one thing to have your body stolen and have your body parts robbed from you, and then to have something invasively put inside your body. It was terrible.


Mitch Horowitz  07:59

So this all occurred in childhood and early adolescence. Yes, and what have been the after effects in your experience? 


Rachel E Hoffman  08:09

It left me with a lot of fear. It left me with a lot of questions. And I guess I want to advocate for like little me in a way, and I want to go back and and, like, save her and tell her everything's gonna be okay. I just need the explanation of why me. Because I want answers. It's hard to live every day with just not knowing why you were kidnapped.


Mitch Horowitz  08:47

We received your account as well as the physical evidence that you supplied. Chrissy has examined the evidence that you sent with analysts and researchers, and she is going to have some answers for you.


Announcer  09:04

Along with the deep encounter, Rachel submitted a small, unknown object that she removed from her ear for analysis, which she is concerned may be evidence of an alien implant and proof that her memories of childhood abductions were real.


Mitch Horowitz  09:20

What we wanted to ask first and foremost is, what year was it you said that you had your initial abduction experience?


Rachel E Hoffman  09:28

It was between 1983 and 1984 it was in the summer, and it was right before I started kindergarten.


Mitch Horowitz  09:35

You know, it's remarkable, because the Hudson Valley is widely known around the world today as a kind of UFO hot spot.


Mitch Horowitz  09:52

In the 1980s through early 90s, about 9000 reports of encounters emerged from the Hudson Valley. I was awakened in my cabin in upstate New York by small people in dark blue uniforms. New York State's Hudson Valley has been one of the critical areas of UFO reportage, and the Hudson Valley was, of course, the site of the events described in Whitley Strieber seminal best seller, communion,


Announcer  10:27

New York Times says the story is nonfiction. Our Christa Bradford reports


Mitch Horowitz  10:31

That book not only opened the door to the Hudson Valley experiences, but allowed claimed abductees to step forward with their testimony in many cases, for the very first time, you have brought to the table physical evidence which Chrissy and her colleagues have examined, and I'm eager to hear what you all have found.


Announcer  11:03

Chrissy works with a team of experts to research UFO databases, scrub air traffic satellite data and conduct state of the art photo and data analysis before delivering the results of her verified report.


Chrissy Newton  11:16

Want you to take a look at this from our evidence report. Can you confirm that's what it was?


Rachel E Hoffman  11:22

Yes, that's what it was.


Chrissy Newton  11:23

So we received the sample that you sent to us, and we sent it off to the MUFON laboratories to have it analyzed.


Chrissy Newton  11:36

So are you prepared for me to talk a little bit about the analysis of what we looked at.


Rachel E Hoffman  11:41

Yeah, I'm sweating and shaking.


Chrissy Newton  11:46

We have the results. The piece that you gave us. 


Chrissy Newton  11:58

We received the sample that you sent to us, and we sent it off to the MUFON laboratories to have it analyzed.


Chrissy Newton  12:11

So are you prepared for me to talk a little bit about the analysis of what we looked at?


Rachel E Hoffman  12:15

Yeah, I'm I'm sweating and shaking and cannot wait.


Chrissy Newton  12:20

The MUFON labs conducted two different tests. The first one was a radiation analysis.


Announcer  12:26

radiation analysis test for traces of radioactive elements that have been associated with unknown implants.


Chrissy Newton  12:35

So no radiation was present. I The second analysis we did was look at the XRF detection to see if there was any metals.


Announcer  12:49

XRF or X ray analysis is used to identify the material makeup of the object, and if any metals are present.


Chrissy Newton  13:00

No metals were present. The piece that you gave us, it's actually a plastic crown from a tooth. A crown. A crown. Yeah, a tooth crown. 


Rachel E Hoffman  13:23

I don't have any crowns.


Chrissy Newton  13:26

Is there any other way that that might have happened, or how that appeared?


Rachel E Hoffman  13:29

I don't I have no clue where it that would even materialize from.


Chrissy Newton  13:36

We were baffled too, but


Rachel E Hoffman  13:38

plastic in my body, plastic


Chrissy Newton  13:41

crown from a tooth. So my job is to do analysis, talk to multiple experts and try to find an answer. What it says here is that this is of this earth. So I have to go by the data. 


Rachel E Hoffman  14:03

I don't understand the final result. I'm trying to wrap my head around it.


Mitch Horowitz  14:08

You have traveled a long distance to come and speak to us, and you are entitled to a blunt assessment for my outlook. I take into account the data that Chrissy has analyzed, the background and credibility of the witness, surrounding circumstances, corroboration history, and I try to weave it all together in one ball, which informs my decision - the Hudson Valley is probably ranks just slightly behind Roswell in terms of UFO reported activity, the entire abduction narrative took shape in the Hudson Valley.


I think there's no question that the phenomena warrants the attention of serious people, researchers, journalists, medical authorities, trauma specialists. And I do think that people who have experienced abduction have been subject to ridicule based on everything that I have described, culturally, medically, historically and in terms of listening to your testimony today, I believe in the story that you are bringing to the table, and I think that your experience is absolutely valid.


At the same time, this material, based on our data, is a piece of mundane, earthly material.


Rachel E Hoffman  15:53

I didn't expect this. I'm upset. I traveled a really long way. I'm disappointed, and I'm still looking for the truth. It's really stressful for me to come here be as transparent as I have been, tell my entire story and have a scientific piece of evidence that I provided not validate my experience.


Mitch Horowitz  16:20

It's a tough one. It's very tough, very tough one.


Chrissy Newton  16:23

Knowing that it's from this earth - Yeah, I hope that gives her some closure.


Mitch Horowitz  16:28

Yeah. And look, I know what the cynics are going to say, Oh, she sent them a tooth. Ha, ha, ha. If somebody was trying to pull over a fast one on us, they would work a lot harder than sending a dental implant, which is easy to identify in a lab and which has been identified. But I think there's more to it than just that.


Rachel E Hoffman  16:47

You know, I wish I I had more data. I don't know how or why this wound up inside of me, and I'm more afraid than ever. 


Mitch Horowitz  17:06

I think we're still waiting for that evidence that really moves the needle to 11.


Chrissy Newton  17:11

Yeah, that one piece of evidence.


Mitch Horowitz  17:15

Yeah, seriously.

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