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Exploring the Unseen, Unveiling the Unknown

Rachel E. Hoffman
Nov 26, 20243 min read
Flying Chariots and Ghostly Gigs: A Paranormal Roundtable with Dustin Schutta and Krissy DuBois
The theme of the episode—Quantum Entanglement—felt as tangled and electric as the subject itself. We dove into the idea that sexual energy,

Rachel E. Hoffman
Nov 22, 20243 min read
Snow in Roswell and the Truth in the Fog: Filming Discovery Channel’s Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction
Snow in Roswell, a haunting past, and a spotlight on my truth. Watch my story unfold on Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction.

Rachel E. Hoffman
Jun 29, 20123 min read
Paranormal Unity and the Power of Thingies: A Talk from Moravia Paranormal Expo
Picture this: a sunlit summer day in upstate New York, Moravia to be exact. The sky was annoyingly cheerful—blue like a kid's crayon...
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